
Welcome to Guang Zhou Jin Chuan Environmental Co.,ltd!

020-3828 8300

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Jinchuan Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.was established in Guangzhou in 1993, Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Commission finds that the high-tech enterprises in Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City Environmental Protection Industry Association member units, China's urban water supply association member unit. We ultraviolet disinfection equipment, chlorine dioxide generators and incinerators as the leading product research, design, manufacture, sales and service into one. The company passed the ISO19001 quality system and ISO14001 environmental quality system certification, has a number of patented technologies, outstanding environmental protection enterprises in Guangdong Province...[Read more]
延安市| 翁源县| 岳西县| 伊春市| 沧源| 民乐县| 米易县| 石台县| 运城市| 玛纳斯县| 开平市| 康保县| 中山市| 锡林浩特市| 文山县| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 连山| 巴彦淖尔市| 田林县| 南木林县| 两当县| 兴城市| 梅河口市| 桃江县| 南阳市| 潜山县| 汤原县| 三江| 清远市| 信丰县| 湖州市| 林芝县| 石门县| 通辽市| 新龙县| 北票市| 永胜县| 永清县| 宜都市| 南漳县| 黄石市|